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The Space Terminator "Reward Token" holding the power of DNA Alterations.

With great power comes comes great responsibility.

Ruby Gemstone

Gemstones will be rewarded every month for the next 12 months for every Space Terminators NFT held. In order to receive Gemstone NFT you must not list on the marketplace. If listed, we will be checking and counting days to verify if you qualify to receive your Gemstone NFT 'Token Reward'.

Gemstone NFTs will not be mintable.

How Can I Get A Gemstone NFT?

One way to obtain a Gemstone NFT will be by minting a Space Terminator NFT, holding that NFT and not listing it on the marketplace. The second alternative will be to buy from the secondary market and the last alternative will be to burn a Space Terminator via Burn Swap.

What's The Purpose Of The Gemstone NFT?

There's only one main purpose of the Gemstone NFTs, to burn for future utility use case.

When Will Gemstone NFTs Be Distributed?

Gemstones will be distributed starting October 2022

When Will I Be Able To Use My Gemstones?

Visit DNA Altering for more information regarding dates.

Last updated